
Official Feng Shui Research Center Courses:

Professional Fengshui Course, Modules 1 - 4
Four Pillars Essential Course
Four Pillars Master Class
Complete Four Pillars
Xuankong Dagua
Business Fengshui
Water Methods
Chinese Date Selection
Fengshui Correspondence Course in Finnish

A person, who has taken the correspondence course and/or the Modules, is eligible to apply for the FSRC Higher diploma.

More information concerning the Higher Diploma *here*

My FSRC Teacher's Certificate *here*

Talks, courses and workshops:

I teach courses and hold workshops designed for different situations and requirements. Subjects cover various Chinese arts like fengshui, Chinese astrology, Chinese calendar, Yijing (I Ching) and other methods of Chinese divination, symbolism of Majiang (Mah Jong), and history of Daoist sexual arts.

Western businesses may consider offering their staff members, who work with the Chinese, courses about those aspects of Chinese culture, which are important for the Chinese, but are little understood or known in the West.

I teach internationally.

Contact information *here*

FSRC Fengshui Correspondence Courses in other languages

in English
in French
in German
in Greek
in Polish
in Portuguese
in Russian
in Spanish
in Swedish

Calendar of official Feng Shui Research Center seminars
offered worldwide